Nafsul Mutmainnah

"(It will be said to the pious): "O (you) the one in (complete) rest and satisfaction (Nafsul Mutmainnah) ! Come back to your Lord, Well-pleased (yourself) and well-pleasing unto Him! Enter you, then, among My honoured slaves, and enter you My Paradise!" - Surah Al Fajr [89:27-30]

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Difference between Men and Women in Islam

Character and Creation:
Man was created from dirt and the woman was created from the rib.
Allah has decreed the menstrual cycle for the woman and not the man.
Men grow beards women don’t, but if she does it’s permissible for her to shave it.
Women are deficient in their intellect and religion. i.e A woman witness = ½ a man and during menses she doesn’t pray and fast.
The men have been given strength over women.
A man’s semen is white and a woman’s is yellow.
It’s an obligation to circumcise the man and its sunnah to circumcise the woman.
Ear piercing is permissible for women and not for men.

The urine of the woman is stronger and more dirtier than the man’s
It’s legislated for man to redo Wudu if he intends to have relations with his a second time in the same setting.

The Athaan and Iqamah aren’t a must for the women and it’s incorrect for a woman to call them for men.
A woman prays behind a man, even if she’s alone. However if a man prays behind another man alone, his prayer is incorrect.
A woman can’t lead a man in prayer.
If a woman leads the prayer for other women she must stand in the
middle. When a man leads the prayer he stands in front row all alone.
Congregational prayer is must for the men and not the women.
The best row for women in congregation is the last and the best row for the men is the first.
Walking to prayer at night is recommended for men, but not for woman.
If the imam makes a mistake in prayer the women clap and the men
say “ Subhanallah”
The women don’t have to attend Jumu’ah; and men must attend Jumu’ah.
Women can’t deliver the sermon for Eid, Jumu’ah, Eclipse prayer and Rain prayer.
Prayer is invalid when a woman passes in front of a man. And if a man passes in front of another man during prayer, it’s still valid.
The Eid prayer is an obligation for men, but not for women. However it’s recommended for women to attend if they are safe from fitah.

Funeral Prayer:
The congregation stands at the head of the deceased man and at the middle of the deceased woman.
It’s disliked for women to visit the graveyard and it’s recommended for men.
Women can’t accompany a funeral procession, but men can.
Women wash and shroud each other and men wash and shroud each other; unless they were spouses.

Zakah and Sadaqah:
Women are encouraged more than men to give charity.
A woman can pay Zakah on her children’s and husband’s behalf, but a man can’t pay Zakah on his children’s and wife’s behalf.
Redemption is a duty for the man and not the woman. This can occur if a man intentionally had relations with his wife during daylight in Ramadan.
A woman can’t fast voluntarily unless she has her husband’s permission. A man doesn’t need his wife’s permission to fast voluntarily.

A woman must have a Mahram when travelling.
A woman mustn’t raise her voice during the Talbeeyah; and  a man should raise voice.
A woman’s Ihram is the clothes she wears for the journey.
A man can do Ramal-a slight jog between Safa and Marwa, and around the Ka’bah; and a woman shouldn’t.
It’s not recommended for the women to try and kiss or touch the black stone during crowding.
A man can ascend on Safa and Marwa, however a woman mustn’t.

For a girl one sheep is sacrificed and for a boy two.

Jihad, Battle and Leadership:
There were no women Prophets or Messengers.
A woman can’t be a leader for the people or the military.
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) took the pledge from the men through a handshake and from the women by speech.
Women aren’t obliged to perform Jihad unlike the men. However there are certain conditions that must adhered to before the men embark on this  obligation.

Marriage , Divorce, Iddah, Kulla’:
Women are given the Sadaq, not the men.
Men have the authority for divorce, marriage and giving the Mahr, not the women.
A man can marry a woman from Ahul Kitab if he knows she frees from Zina.  A woman doesn’t have this right.
A man can have more than one wife. A woman can’t have more than one husband.
The Waleemah and wedding are the responsibility on the man not the woman.
It’s permissible for the women to beat the Duff at their wedding. This act isn’t permissible for the men.
Maintenance and support are the duty of the men not the women.
A woman is under the authority of her husband. A man isn’t under the authority of his wife.
A woman can’t have anyone visit her home unless she gets her
husband’s permission first. A Man doesn’t need permission for visitors in his home.
The Angels curse the woman if her husband separates from her bed. The husband doesn’t receive this curse.
A woman must have her husband’s permission before she leaves home. A man doesn’t need his wife’s permission to leave home.
A man doesn’t have an ‘Idda unless he wants to marry his ex-wife’s sister or aunt. However if he divorces his fourth wife and wants to remarry, then he must wait until his ex-wife concludes her ‘Iddah.

Dress and Adornment:
It’s recommended for a woman to adorn herself in her home for her husband.
It’s haraam for a woman to imitate a man in his dress.
It’s an obligation for the women to sag their clothes below her ankles. Sagging pants and thoubs below the ankles is Haraam for men.
A woman can’t change her clothes unless she’s in her own home. This act doesn’t apply to the men.
A woman must wear Hijab: cover her face and body.
Women can wear jewelry.
Men can’t wear silk, but women can.

Taken from : Kashful Watha’I by Shayk Yahya Al-Hajooree

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