Nafsul Mutmainnah

"(It will be said to the pious): "O (you) the one in (complete) rest and satisfaction (Nafsul Mutmainnah) ! Come back to your Lord, Well-pleased (yourself) and well-pleasing unto Him! Enter you, then, among My honoured slaves, and enter you My Paradise!" - Surah Al Fajr [89:27-30]

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Asking for less refutation [signs of Ahl Al-Bidah]

It is reported from Al-’Abbâs b. Al-Walîd that 

‘Uqbah said:

I was once with Arta’ah b. Al-Mundhir when one 
of the people in the gathering said, “What do 

you say about a man who sits with the followers 

of the Sunnah and mixes with them, but when 

the followers of Bid’ah are mentioned he says, 

‘Spare us from mentioning them, do not talk 

about them?’” Arta’ah said, “He is one of them, 

do not let him confuse you about his condition.” 

I felt this was strange, so I went to Al-Awzâ’î – 

and he used to clarify these matters when they came to him. He said, “Arta’ah is right, the matter 

is as he said; this person forbids talking about 

[Ahl Al-Bid'ah], so how can [people] be on guard against them if they are not exposed?”

Ibn ‘Asâkir, Târîkh Dimishq 8:15.

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