Nafsul Mutmainnah

"(It will be said to the pious): "O (you) the one in (complete) rest and satisfaction (Nafsul Mutmainnah) ! Come back to your Lord, Well-pleased (yourself) and well-pleasing unto Him! Enter you, then, among My honoured slaves, and enter you My Paradise!" - Surah Al Fajr [89:27-30]

Monday, June 25, 2012

Ibn Hajar on the permissible and impermissible an-Na'ee [Announcing the Death of the Deceased]- From Fath ul-Baree

And Ibn Hajar said, commenting on the hadeeth of the Prophet's announcement of the death of an-Najjaashee, mentioned in the fourth chapter in the Book of Funerals. 

"...He said: And the benefit of this tarjamah (i.e. wording in the hadeeth) is an indication that an-Na`ee (death announcement) is not completely forbidden, but that which the people of Jaahiliyyah used to do is forbidden. They used to send one who would announce the news of the death of the deceased at the doors of (people's) houses and (in) the markets. And Ibn al-Muraabit said, "His intent is that the Na`ee which is informing the people about the death of their near-relative is permissible, even if it comprises entering hardship and calamities upon his (the deceased's) family. However in this mafsadah (this announcement which brings hardship and calamity) there are ample benefits (masaalih), due to what arises out of knowing that (i.e. the death of the deceased), such as hastening to attend his janaazah, arranging his affair, prayer over him, supplicating for him, seeking forgiveness for him, and fulfilling his will, and whatever rulings arise from that. 

As for the Na`ee of Jaahiliyyah, then Sa`eed bin Mansoor said, "Ibn `Aliyyah informed us from Ibn `Awn who said: I said to Ibraaheem: Did they used to dislike an-Na`ee? He said: Yes. Ibn `Awn said: When a man died a person would ride on a beast and then shout amongst the people, "I announce the death of so and so". And also from to Ibn `Awn that he said, "Ibn Seereen said: I do not know of any harm in a man announcing to his friend or close companion". 

The sum of this is that mere announcment (of the death) is not disliked, but if something is added on top of that (announcement), then no. And some of the Salaf used to be severe in this matter until Hudhayfah, when a person of his would die he would say: "Do not notify anyone, for I fear that it might be na`ee (the prohibited form of announcing death), for I heard the Messenger of Allaah (sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam) with these two ears of mine prohibiting from an-Na`ee". Reported by at-Tirmidhee and Ibn Maajah with a hasan isnaad. 

Ibn al-`Arabee said, "There are three situations taken from all of the ahaadeeth together: The first: Notifying the family, companions and the people of rectitude. This is sunnah. The second: Inviting to a gathering for boasting, this is disliked. The third: Another form of notification, such as Niyaahah (lamenting, wailing) and the likes, this is prohibited..." 

Fath ul-Baaree (3/150-151)

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