Nafsul Mutmainnah

"(It will be said to the pious): "O (you) the one in (complete) rest and satisfaction (Nafsul Mutmainnah) ! Come back to your Lord, Well-pleased (yourself) and well-pleasing unto Him! Enter you, then, among My honoured slaves, and enter you My Paradise!" - Surah Al Fajr [89:27-30]

Monday, June 25, 2012

Ibn Hajar on the permissible and impermissible an-Na'ee [Announcing the Death of the Deceased]- From Fath ul-Baree

And Ibn Hajar said, commenting on the hadeeth of the Prophet's announcement of the death of an-Najjaashee, mentioned in the fourth chapter in the Book of Funerals. 

"...He said: And the benefit of this tarjamah (i.e. wording in the hadeeth) is an indication that an-Na`ee (death announcement) is not completely forbidden, but that which the people of Jaahiliyyah used to do is forbidden. They used to send one who would announce the news of the death of the deceased at the doors of (people's) houses and (in) the markets. And Ibn al-Muraabit said, "His intent is that the Na`ee which is informing the people about the death of their near-relative is permissible, even if it comprises entering hardship and calamities upon his (the deceased's) family. However in this mafsadah (this announcement which brings hardship and calamity) there are ample benefits (masaalih), due to what arises out of knowing that (i.e. the death of the deceased), such as hastening to attend his janaazah, arranging his affair, prayer over him, supplicating for him, seeking forgiveness for him, and fulfilling his will, and whatever rulings arise from that. 

As for the Na`ee of Jaahiliyyah, then Sa`eed bin Mansoor said, "Ibn `Aliyyah informed us from Ibn `Awn who said: I said to Ibraaheem: Did they used to dislike an-Na`ee? He said: Yes. Ibn `Awn said: When a man died a person would ride on a beast and then shout amongst the people, "I announce the death of so and so". And also from to Ibn `Awn that he said, "Ibn Seereen said: I do not know of any harm in a man announcing to his friend or close companion". 

The sum of this is that mere announcment (of the death) is not disliked, but if something is added on top of that (announcement), then no. And some of the Salaf used to be severe in this matter until Hudhayfah, when a person of his would die he would say: "Do not notify anyone, for I fear that it might be na`ee (the prohibited form of announcing death), for I heard the Messenger of Allaah (sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam) with these two ears of mine prohibiting from an-Na`ee". Reported by at-Tirmidhee and Ibn Maajah with a hasan isnaad. 

Ibn al-`Arabee said, "There are three situations taken from all of the ahaadeeth together: The first: Notifying the family, companions and the people of rectitude. This is sunnah. The second: Inviting to a gathering for boasting, this is disliked. The third: Another form of notification, such as Niyaahah (lamenting, wailing) and the likes, this is prohibited..." 

Fath ul-Baaree (3/150-151)

"Guidelines Concerning Usage Of Time, And Protecting It From Being Wasted"‏

Shaykh ibn Uthaymeen was asked,“What are your guidelines concerning usage of time, and protecting it from being wasted?”

He said, “It is necessary for a student of knowledge to protect his time from being wasted. Time-wasting occurs in a number of ways: 
That one leaves learning and revising what one has read. That one sits with his friends and indulges in vain talk which contains no benefit. This is the most harmful of them upon a student of knowledge: That he has no concern except pursuing people’s statements, [for] “maa qeela wa qaala”(What was said and what he said), 
and [for] “maa hasala wa maa yahsul” (What occurred and what is taking place), regarding an issue of no concern to him. No doubt, this is from a weak Islaam, as the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said, 

“From a person’s good Islaam is to leave that which doesn’t concern him.” 

Busying oneself with “Qeela wa qaala” (What was said and what he said), and excessive questioning are time-wasters. In reality it is a disease which, when it comes into man - we ask Allaah for well-being - it becomes his greatest concern. He may show enmity to one who does not deserve enmity, or he may ally one who doesn’t deserve alliance due to concerning himself with these issues, which busy himself away from knowledge, with the pretext of “championing the truth”, while this is not the case. Rather, this is pertaining to occupying oneself with an issue which does not concern him. 

If a report comes to you, without you having pursued it or sought it, then all people receive news but they don’t busy themselves with it, nor does it become their greatest concern, because this occupies the student of knowledge. It corrupts his affair, and opens for the ummah the door of hizbiyyah (partisanship) then the ummah will split.” 

-Shaykh Muhammad ibn Salih al-`Uthaymeen Monday, February 27, 2006 This fatwaa (Islaamic verdict) is taken from “Kitaabul-’Ilm”of Shaykh ‘Uthaymeen compiled by Shaykh Fahd ibn Naasir ibn Ibraaheem as-Sulaymaan, printed by Daar ath-Tharya lin-Naashir

He has his and I have mine

Shaykh al-Albanee (Rahimahullaahu Ta’aala): I have noticed how people who subscribe to our Da`wah become a bit fond of themselves and self-deceived after a while. After having finished reading some books, you see how they become independent. If one then points it out and says that the Shaykh has a different opinion, he says: ”He has his and I have mine.” (al-Huda wan-Nur 256)

Friday, June 1, 2012

A Real Eye-Opener: Upset with the Qadr of Allaah!?

In the Name of Allaah…
Most people entertain bad thoughts about Allaah regarding their own personal situations and the situations of others.  The only ones who remain safe from this are those who truly know Allaah, His Names, His Attributes, and what His Wisdom and Right to be praised really entails.
So let every sincere, sound-minded individual focus on himself regarding this, and then repent to Allaah and seek His Forgiveness from the negative notions he entertains about his Lord.
Look closely at anyone!  You will find that people become upset with Qadr and blame things on it, saying that, “It should have been this way or that way…”
Some people behave this way only rarely, others more commonly!
Inspect yourself – Are you innocent!?
If you are saved from it, you are safe from something terrible… 
But really, I doubt you are even safe!

-Ibn al-Qayyim
This is a passage from the great writings of al-’Allaamah Ibn Qayyim al-Jowziyyah, as quoted in the book, Kitaab at-Towheed, by Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Abdil-Wahhaab.
This passage was an explanation of some Qur’aanic verses exposing the notions and ill assumptions of the hypocrites after the defeat suffered at the Battle of Uhud.  It is absolutely amazing how this great scholar tied the filthy beliefs of the hypocrites to our own hearts and actions, and guided us to take a an important personal lesson from the hidden enemies of Islaam and their false notions about the Wisdom of Allaah and His Qadr.
From the attributes of the hypocrites is that they do not submit to the Qadr of Allaah, instead they find fault with it, and claim that things would have been better had they been in charge of the affair!
Review Soorah Aal ‘Imraan (3:154).
Ibn al-Qayyim said, “Inspect yourself – Are you innocent?!”
I remind myself and my brothers and sisters in Islaam to sincerely think about the following statements and ponder over how distant we are from them in reality:
  • “That’s just great!  This is why I hate Mondays!”
  • “What is wrong with this laptop?  Another virus!!  And of course this would happen NOW, when I have all this important work to finish!!”
  • “The car seems to break down every time I’m running late!”
  • “My stupid cellphone keeps shutting down…!”
  • “Oh great!  One more red light!  As if I’m not late enough!”
  • “I stoved my toe on that stupid table!”
These small everyday trials we face and the emotions we react with are all part of our personal test.  Our reactions, beliefs, and statements are all being recorded!
With the above mentioned complaints and reactions, who are we actually displeased with?  We know that the table didn’t do anything to our toe, right?  We know that cars, cellphones, and laptops don’t actually choose to do things to harm us in reality, right?
So then, again – WHO or WHAT are we really displeased with when uttering these kinds of statements?
We desperately need our spouses, friends, and companions to remind us, quite simply, with the following question:
Are you unhappy with the Qadr of Allaah?
Let us replace the bad reactions mentioned with the very best guidance available, the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam):
وإن أصابك شيء فلا تقل لو أني فعلت كذا لكان كذا وكذا لكن قل قدر الله وما شاء فعل…
“…And if something (bad) befalls you, do not say, ‘Had I only done such-and-such, then such-and-such would have happened, rather say: Qadrullaahi, wa maa shaa’ fa’ala (This is from the Qadr of Allaah, and He does whatever He wills).” [Muslim]  

Let us affirm everything we face as the Qadr of Allaah, submit to Allaah being pleased with the trial He (and no one else) has chosen for us, and be afraid of a bad reaction that would be written against us and handed to us on the Day of Account.
And Allaah knows best.
Written by: Moosaa Richardson