[Part 1:] Some Golden Advise of Imaam Muqbil (Rahimahullaah)
In The Name of Allaah, The Most Meerciful The Bestower of Mercy
(1) The study of Tawheed is from the most virtuous affairs of drawing close to Allaah.
(2) Our call with us is more precious than gold and (more precious than) our souls, and (our souls) are more precious than gold.
(3) Argumentation is from the greatest reasons of splitting.
(4) The watered down calls (to Islaam) will not be successful.
(5) It is not permissible for anyone to hurt his brother’s heart.
(6) All the Muslims–arabs, non-arabs, white and black; it is incumbent upon them to be one united party.
(7) I advise you to out- do the secularists and the socialists.
(8) I advice you to have eagerness in keeping the company of the righteous people.
(9) If you desire well-being, and (if you desire) safety from bewilderment, then I advice you with following the predecessors of ahlus Sunnah wal
(10) O people of Dammaaj! Acquire knowledge with strength.
(11) I advice the student of knowledge to marry a sunniyyah (i.e. a woman upon the sunnah), so that he can establish a sunni household.
[Source: 'Al-Bashaa-ir Fis-Samaa-i Al-Mubaashir': Compiler: Abdullah Ibn Ayyaash with the introduction of Shaikh Muhammad Bin Abdul-Wahhaab
[Part 2]: Some Golden Advise of Imaam Muqbil (Rahimahullaah)
In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful The Bestower of Mercy
(1) It is not enough to shape the Imaamah (round the head) O brothers, but there has to be (seeking) knowledge alongside shaping the Imaamah
(round the head).
(2) Co-operate all of you in acquiring beneficial knowledge and acting upon it.
(3) Indeed, whoever sticks to the religion and knowledge, Allaah will raise him; also whoever acts upon knowledge, Allaah will raise him.
(4) The hindrances are many, so it may be that Allaah puts you to the test with an illness and you will not be able to reach knowledge.
(5) What I advise myself and everyone is pre-occupation with knowledge. The worries of the worldly life do not have an end; so beware of pre-occupying
yourselves with the difficulties of life, for had we pre-occupied ourselves with them, we would not have been able to seek knowledge.
(6) The youth must fear Allaah in their occupations, and they should divert them towards that which is of benefit to Islaam and the Muslims.
(7) Fear Allaah with regards to your time. Fear Allaah with regards to your time. Fear Allaah with regards to your time.
(8) The greatest affair that has afflicted the Muslims is ignorance.
(9) Had you known how much the people are in need of knowledge, you would have strove day and night.
(10) The person’s concern should not be limited to the people of his land; rather it is incumbent upon a person to know that he is responsible for the world.
(He is even responsible) regarding a Christian, whilst he remains upon disbelief.
(11) The caller to (Allaah) is in need of patience, abstinence from the worldly life and endurance.
[Source: 'Al-Bashaa-ir Fis-Samaa-i Al-Mubaashir': Compiler: Abdullah Ibn Ayyaash with the introduction of Shaikh Muhammad Bin Abdul-Wahhaab
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