al-Imaam an-Nasaa'ee (rahimahullaah) mentions in his Sunan:
Suwayd bin Nasr told us; 'Abdullaah ibnul-Mubaarak informed us regarding Zaa'idah (ibn Qudaamah) that he said; 'Aasim bin Kulayb narrated to us; My father narrated to me that Waa'il bin Hujr (radiyallaahu 'anhu) said:
((I said to my self, "I shall look at the prayer of Allaah's Messenger - sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam - (to see) how he prays." So I watched him... (Waa'il then describes the prayer up until the Tashah-hud, after which he mentions)... he (the Prophet) then sat with his left leg tucked underneath him. He placed his left hand upon his left thigh and knee and he put put the edge of his right elbow upon his right thigh. Then he clenched two of his fingers (the last two) and made a circle (with the middle finger and the thumb), then he raised his (index) finger and I saw him moving it, supplicating with it.))
Sunanun-Nasaa'ee, no.889
The Muhaddith, ash-Shaykh, Aboo Abdir-Rahmaan Muqbil bin Haadee al-Waadi'ee (rahimahullaah) said:
This hadeeth along with this chain of narration appears to be hasan (good/authentic), however there is a strange/irregular wording within it - the mention of moving the finger. Indeed it was narrated from a group of the Companions[1] (radiyallaahu 'anhum) and their is nothing in their narrations except the pointing (of the finger).
The one who has (narrated) this unusual wording is the firmly reliable Zaa'idah bin Qudaamah and he has contradicted those who are more reliable than him, from them: Sufyaan ath-Thawree with an-Nasaa'ee, Shu'bah with Ahmad, Sufyaan bin 'Uyaynah with an-Nasaa'ee, Bash-shir ibnul-Mufaddal with Aboo Daawood, 'Abdul-Waahid with Ahmad, Zuhayr bin Mu'aawiyah with Ahmad, 'Abdullaah bin Idrees with ibn Khuzaymah, Khaalid at-Tahhaan with al-Bayhaqee, Muhammad bin Fudayl with ibn Khuzaymah, Abul-Ahwas Sallaam bin Sulaym with at-Tayaalisee and Aboo 'Awaanah and Gheelaan bin Jaami', whom al-Bayhaqee related from.
All of these narrated (this hadeeth) from 'Aasim bin Kulayb and in their narrations there is no mention of moving the finger, so here Zaa'idah bin Qudaamah is considered Shaadh (odd, irregular, i.e. his extra wording is weak).
It is not to be said, "It is an additional piece of information (which is) accepted." For verily it is conditional in accepting an extra wording that it does not contradict that which is stronger than it. I explained that in the introduction to 'al-Ilzaamaat wat-Tatabbu'.[2]
Our brother Ahmad bin Sa'eed - hafidhahullaah - has a treatise in this (the weakness of moving the finger) and it is extremely beneficial, with nothing like it in it's field.
[1] Translators Note: They are 'Abdullaah ibnuz-Zubayr, 'Abdullaah bin 'Umar, Aboo Humayd as-Saa'idee, Aboo Hurayrah, Sa'd bin Abee Waqqaas, Ibn 'Abbaas, Khaffaaf bin Eemaa', none of them mentioning to move the finger, only to point. See Shaykh Muqbil's book: as-Saheehul-Musnad vol.2 pg.265
[2] Translators Note: al-Ilzaamaat wat-Tatabbu' is a book of Imaam ad-Daaruqutnee (rahimahullaah), which Shaykh Muqbil has done a Tahqeeq of.
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[Translated by Abul-Husayn Yusuf McNulty, taken from the book of Shaykh Muqbil 'Ahaadeeth Mu'allah Dhaahiruhas-Sihah (hadeeth with hidden defects that seem to be authentic)' pg.288-289 Daarul-Aathaar, San'aa]
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